LED Message Centers

LED Message Centre

Innovative and versatile business tool


Our Electronic Message Centre’s can be customized to fit your facility and budget. Designed with premium LED technology and providing exceptional resolution.

At SignAge & Lighting Systems, we offer a variety of programmable Electronic Message Centre’s for commercial, industrial and petroleum applications. This will allow your company to advertise your business 24 hours a day.

The term Electronic Message Centre refers to a sign that uses electronic hardware and software to display its copy, messages or images.

Customize and showcase your company’s logo, brand, products, service, in-store specials, promotions, or advertising with video, graphics and text. User friendly, easy to control and can be modified on demand to fit your business’s needs.

LED MSG Active Green signage
LED ceiling website signage
LED orange ceiling website signage
LED MSG vmills signage
LED MSG Active Green signage LED ceiling website signage LED orange ceiling website signage LED MSG vmills signage